Our private gallery, which we lovingly call the Collector's Corner, is situated right above the Safarkhan public gallery space and features an array of works that reflect our founder's life-long devotion to art and her steadfast commitment to preserving Egypt's cultural and artistic heritage.
The space is intended to serve as a humble apartment-museum dedicated to the historical imperative of Modern Egyptian art in all its forms. In doing so, we maintain a portion of the works on display as part of this private gallery's permanent collection, alongside a constant curation of alternating and rotating works that are conversely for sale to the general public.
Much of the works that feature in our Collector's Corner pre-date Safarkhan's own beginnings as a gallery, offering a journey from Egypt's golden era of Modernists, to the present day's leading contemporary talents. This private gallery is partially comprised of; curated works from both Sherwet Shafei and Mona Said's personal collections, acquisitions made over the years by Safarkhan, as well as works that have been entrusted to the gallery on behalf of the families of some of Egypt's greatest Modernist names.
Our Collector's Corner can be viewed by appointment only. Please feel free to book a viewing appointment or to make an enquiry regarding acquisitions and appraisals.
A Time Capsule of Egyptian Heritage
The Safarkhan Collector's Corner -
"Collections are monuments and archives, the repository of a past and the legacy to be preserved. They inscribe the having been of a culture, preserving it for the present and the future."
— Couze Venn
Collector's Corner Favourites
The Modernists -
The Contemporary Collector
Resident & guest talents -
Historical Documents
Legacy of the Pioneers