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This sumptuous full-color volume retraces the highlights of the country’s twentieth-century art world through the private collection of one of Cairo’s most reputable private gallery owners and art collectors. Over 200 pristine reproductions of paintings from Sherwet Shafei's personal collection represent works from early pioneers such as Mahmoud Saïd (1897-1964) and Ragheb Ayad (1892-1982) to later influential figures such as Hamed Nada (1924-1990) and Youssef Sida (1922-1994).
In a comprehensive introduction that examines the life and career of Sherwet Shafei and her pivotal role in establishing and nurturing the market for modern Egyptian art, the author also addresses the tendencies of emerging art collectors in Egypt’s blossoming market, the burdens of forgery, and the impact of globalization on the art industry. This book serves as a repository of Egyptian heritage by offering a rare glimpse into a historically and culturally valuable collection that has yet to be displayed in its entirety.
Look Inside:
Twentieth-Century Egyptian Art: The Private Collection of Sherwet Shafei
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